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With the arrival of winter, and the ramping up of colds, flu and Covid within the community, vaccine services within community pharmacies will also become busier.


If you are a NSW pharmacy owner and/or hold an interest in a NSW pharmacy business on 30 April 2024, you must by 30 June 2024:


Friday 12 April saw the Health Professional Councils Authority (HPCA) and NSW Heath Professional Councils (the Councils) successfully deliver their first joint all Councils Conference. 


If you are a NSW pharmacy owner and/or hold an interest in a NSW pharmacy business on 30 April 2024, you must by 30 June 2024:


The Pharmacy Board of Australia Guidelines on dose administration aids and staged supply of dispensed medicines were developed in recognition of the increased demand for dose administration aids (DAAs) and, where used in association with them, automated dose packaging systems. Also addressed is advice on dealing with the supply of medicines to be issued periodically.


With the Christmas and New Year break approaching, many of us are looking forward to some time off. However, pharmacies will continue to operate over this time, and thus you may have employed a locum pharmacist to cover for your holiday.

The Pharmacy Council would like to remind you of your obligations regarding access and supplying keys, access codes and safe access to locum


As the year nears its end, it is even more important for practitioners to be aware of additional time constraints and challenges faced in community pharmacy practice during the holiday season.

When the volume of work increases so, too, does the risk of error. It is critical that practitioners are vigilant and adhere to best practice dispensing guidelines.


A message regarding prescribing/supplying psychostimulant medication for the treatment of ADHD, destruction of Schedule 8 medicines, and more.


For the 2022/23 reporting period, the joint annual report of the 15 NSW Health Professional Councils (Councils) is now available.


Please note: Applications for these positions have now closed.
