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The Pharmacy Council of New South Wales is pleased to announce the launch of its Compounding checklist and Premises and equipment guidance for non-sterile complex compounding.

Message from the President 

Welcome, introductions and important updates


The Council has announced an increase in the complaints component of the registration fee for NSW pharmacists for 2019/20.


We receive over 300 complaints against pharmacists every year. Each complaint is assessed by us and the Health Care Complaints Commission.


Authority requirements for certain prescriptions has emerged as a knowledge gap for many pharmacists. Do you know what type of authorities are required for different prescriptions?


I recently attended a conference for regulators of Health Professionals. One of the keynote presentations really made me stop and think about what I do day to day.


Last year we saw a large increase in the number of reported complaints relating to the compounding of medicines in pharmacies in NSW.


When entering a prescription into the dispense system, it has been found that many pharmacists are not entering all the correct and required information.


To all you pharmacists out there in the wide world of pharmacy, please be advised that routine inspections of Council registered pharmacies carried out by the inspectors of the Pharmacy Council of


Amendment to the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008
